Image Credit: Raven Gough
My Bio
I qualified as an ITM Alexander Technique teacher in 2018, but my journey with the work began in 2007. I was studying the cello at the Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama, when I began to experience a lot of pain and discomfort in my wrists, shoulders, neck and back. The Alexander Technique was recommended to me and I started having lessons. These lessons were a revelation! I was introduced to a set of ideas that had not appeared in any other part of my education. Over time, I experienced many positive changes, and saw a lot of improvement in my cello playing, but also in other areas too.
After my music degree, I felt inspired to train to become an Alexander Technique teacher myself, so that I could help others to improve in the ways that I had. I undertook the four year ITM Alexander Technique teacher training course in Bristol with the innovative Alexander Technique teacher and trainer, Don Weed (1950-2022). ITM stands for interactive teaching method.
In this course there were modules and exams on anatomy, principles of personal development, and an in depth study of Alexander’s four books. I also learnt how to teach with my hands in a specialised way. After passing my final teaching exam, I qualified as an ITM Alexander Technique teacher.
I now offer Alexander Technique lessons and workshops in and around Cardiff, alongside my musical career as a cellist and cello tutor. It is a privilege to share this work with others and witness the wonderful changes that it can bring.
Photo credit: Desislava Sekulova